Saturday, June 11, 2022
3 Dance Workshops with Ari Levitt
organized by Connect To Dance
Polish Library, 3832 N. Interstate Ave
10 am - noon
Fun, New, Int/Adv WALTZ Combos - After quickly reviewing the basics, we'll introduce some cool new combinations & flairs to spice up your Cross-Step Waltz. Learn such things as tandem footwork, shadows, hidden hand-changes, hitting breaks, breaking rhythms, and more! If you're familiar with basic left & right turning waltz, it's the perfect way to push the envelope into new dance territory
Level: Int/adv. All welcome - No partner needed
Int/Adv Night Club 2-Step Sensations - Learn a variety of fun, innovative combinations from Ari's library of moves and inventions; beautiful, flowing, and elegant as always. Ari is known as one of the country's leading innovators in this style, and actively teaches this dance around the world. Perfect for int/adv level NC2S-ers. CLICK HERE and HERE to see examples of NC2S.
Level: Non-Novice Beg, Int/Adv: Basic NC2S Left & Right Turn steps and partnering skills assumed. All welcome - No partner needed.
"New WEST COAST SWING Combinations" - This is a great steps-based class to learn some fun new combinations to wow folks on the dance floor. West Coast Swing is not only one of the smoothest & sexiest forms of swing dance on the scene today but is hugely popular across the country and growing strong. Not to be missed! Ideal to take in conjunction with the "NC2S Sensations" class.
CLICK HERE to see an example of WCS.
Level: Non-novice beginner, knowledge of basic sugar push and whip turn recommended. All welcome - No partner needed
One Workshop - $30 ($35*)
Two Workshops- $50 ($60*)
Three Workshops- $75 ($90*)
Lower fees if signed up by Thursday, June
* higher fees for sign-up after June 9
Sign-up by e-mail to Uwe at [email protected]
Bring payment cash or check to the workshop.
Verified full vaccination required, please e-mail an image of your vaccination card with your sign-up.
Masking optional, but encouraged at times.
If you prefer to partner with only masked dancers, there will be stickers available indicating this request without you having to explain it to each new partner. A dance partner then has the choice to put on a mask, or sit out the rotation. Please bring a mask to class to be considerate to those who require it.